Unfortunately, having a criminal record can add an extra challenge to many aspects of life. If you have been convicted or charged with a felony, it could make it very difficult for you to get life insurance. Insurance companies do look at your criminal history, among other things, when you apply for your insurance policy. Here’s what you need to know about getting a life insurance policy as a convicted felon.
Do Companies Offer Life Insurance For Felons?
It is extremely difficult to get life insurance if you are a felon. In fact, many insurance companies will not even consider offering you life insurance if you have been convicted of a felony. However, there are some companies that do not look at your criminal background. You will need to do extensive research to find the best life insurance option in your area for felons.
You may be wondering why life insurance companies would care about the fact that you have a felony, particularly if it was a long time ago. There are a few reasons why it’s important. Life insurance sees someone who has committed a felony as having a high-risk lifestyle. They are concerned that their chances of having to pay out a claim will be higher. Statistics have shown that a large percentage of people who have been in prison in the past will go back to prison at some point in their life. Insurance companies are also concerned about the poor health that you may have developed in prison, as well as an increased risk of drug or alcohol abuse.
Insurance companies will consider whether you were convicted of a felony or just charged with it. While being charged with a felony can still negatively affect your chances of getting insurance, it’s not considered as problematic as having been convicted. Insurers also look at the amount of time you served in jail, the number of offenses you committed, when you got out of jail, and your parole or probation status. If it’s been a long time since you have been in jail and your parole status is good, it may increase your chances of getting life insurance.
How To Get Life Insurance As A Felon
You can get life insurance as a felon – you just have to be smart about it. Do thorough research on many different companies to find out what they ask for on their applications. There are companies out there that don’t ask about your criminal history at all. Do not put in an application unless you are fairly sure you will be accepted. This is because some insurance companies look at whether you have been denied insurance in the past, so if you are denied it could make your chances even more difficult. You should also make sure you talk to an insurance professional who can help you with your unique situation. Finally, it may help to go through a rehabilitation process, which shows insurers that you are taking steps to live a healthier, safer life.
There are also guaranteed issue policies, which will insure you regardless of your medical history, criminal history, or any other lifestyle factors. These policies are the most expensive though, and should only be used as a last resort. The key to any good life insurance policy is for it to be affordable.
Felony Crimes Insurers Look At
There are specific felony crimes that insurers look at. Larceny, assault, and property crimes are all very common, and they can impact your ability to get life insurance. However, they are also easier to overcome, particularly if they happened a long time ago and only happened once. Drug and alcohol-related convictions, on the other hand, are taken extremely seriously and are very hard to overcome. If there was any indication of substance abuse in your criminal record, insurance companies are going to hesitate because of the health risks involved. There are also specific crimes that are going to completely rule out the possibility of getting life insurance. These include murder, rape, molestation, kidnapping, or any type of trafficking or conspiracy. These crimes are typically considered to be in a different category than the more minor offenses we’ve previously discussed.
If you are a convicted felon and you are interested in getting life insurance, your first step should always be to talk to an insurance professional. Ideally, you should talk to an agent who works independently from any specific company, as they will be unbiased and will be able to help you weigh your options.
I have a felony (drugs) conviction from 3 years ago.
I did 10 months in prison for it and have completed 2 years of probation. I am looking for some insurance companies who will accept me.
I think we can help Lamont! Please fill in our quotes form to get started so we have some basic information about you!
I trying to get Life Insurance on my husband who currently has some felonies can you please help me in regards to finding an insurance company who will except him
Hi Derrick,
A lot will probably depend on the nature of the felonies and how long ago they happened. Your husband might have to wait until 5 years have passed since his last felony until he can buy one, but you can certainly try. You can start by filling out the form at the top of the page to get a quote.
I was convicted 12/27/12 of grand theft. I served 5 and half years on a 7 year sentence. I have a possession charge that was adjudicated withheld until I got theft charge and they changed it to guilty. I’m looking for a policy for my daughter as reality s dr t I when my brother just passed. I have a 30,000 policy thru work for her and that question never came up…what are your suggestions..I’ve had same job and residence since released with no parole or probation
I have two suggestions. First, because the charge was almost 8 years ago, you may be able to get a policy from a traditional underwriting process. If not, you may qualify for a guaranteed policy. I would attempt to get a traditional policy first, there is no risk in doing so. Please feel free to give us a call or fill in our form!
My husband is on probation for eliciting sexual relations with a minor, he never served prison time and is in rehabilitation. Will he never be able to receive life insurance?
Hi Amie,
It is very unlikely that your husband will be able to buy any life insurance, although he could look around at some low benefit, guaranteed issue type of policies. Sexual relations with a minor is considered a very severe crime by most life insurance companies and they typically will reject the application immediately. But there are many different life insurance companies out there, so it’s possible he could buy one, though it will likely need to be a low benefit policy, if he’s able to get one.
I was convicted of felony bank robbery 6 yrs ago. I did 12 months in federal prison a year in half way house, then 3 yrs. on parole. I finished all May 4 ,2020 this year. Please help with life insurance.
Thank You.
Hi Charlotte,
You can find out what some of your options are by filling out the form at the top of this page to get started. Having said that, it might be difficult to get a policy since you’re just fresh off parole. You might need to wait a few years, but you should be able to get one at some point. But you can fill out that form and see what your options are right now.
Hi my name is Felecia Oden I’m looking for an insurance policy for my son he has had prior felony 4 years ago no prison time and he’s not on probation any longer thank you..
Hi Felecia,
Your son will probably be able to buy a life insurance policy, though he might have to wait at least another year. Many insurance companies look back at least 5 years, though some look back 10 years. There are many life insurance companies out there, so he can probably buy one in a years’ time.
My husband served time in prison in the early 90’s for marijuana
Could he get coverage?
Hi Kristin,
Yes he shouldn’t have any problems getting coverage. Marijuana possession is considered a lesser crime and the fact that it happened over two decades ago means a lot of time has passed for him to have a good record. He can definitely get coverage, so you could start the process by filling out the quote form at the top of this page to see what some of your options are.
Hello…my husband has a felony for obstruction of justice, and was incarcerated for 14 months. He was released Sept. 5, 2017 and has been off of probation since Sept. 3, 2019. Might you suggest what options we might have for obtaining life insurance for him please?
Thank you!
We can help find him coverage if he can qualify anywhere. You need to work with someone who will work directly with companies to see what his options are.
My grandfather recently passed, who resided in California, and he left a life insurance policy to my cousin, who is incarcerated for life in Illinois. My father is the trustee but was unaware of this life insurance policy. Since, my cousin will never be leaving prison is there a way to challenge the policy. Thank you.
No, if the beneficiary is in prison he still has a right to the death benefit payout.